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Basket Analysis - Overview
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Basket Analysis Overview


About this Dashboard

These dashboards are designed to help you assess the effectiveness of your sales growth strategies. For example, if your goal is to increase overall sales by attracting more customers through promotions, you should expect to see an increase in total baskets and a decrease in average basket size. Conversely, if you aim to boost sales by increasing the average basket value through merchandising or budtender incentives, you should see an uptick in average basket size while maintaining a steady trend in the number of baskets.

This dashboard empowers you to answer critical questions such as:

  • Is my average basket size increasing or decreasing week over week (WoW) and year over year (YoY)?
  • Are the total number of baskets on the rise?
  • At what hour and time of day is the average basket size at its highest?

Current Basket Statistics

The visual below illustrates the trends in basket metrics over time, allowing you to evaluate whether your current strategies are positively or negatively impacting your bottom line. In the provided example, the basket count is decreasing, while the average basket size is increasing. This could suggest reduced discounting over the past few weeks or higher-priced items being purchased by loyal customers.

Basket Performance Over Time

This visualization displays the average basket size alongside the corresponding basket count. Use it to monitor the days when you achieve the highest average basket size and determine whether these days align with your promotional efforts.




Basket Performance Over Time

Utilize this dashboard to delve deeper into the baskets with above-average sizes and understand the average price per SKU and the number of items per basket. If your promotions involve "Buy 2, Get 1" or "Buy 3, Get 1," you should observe an increase in the number of units.



Average Basket Size Heatmap

This dashboard highlights when your largest baskets occur and whether they coincide with events like Happy Hours. Late-night and early-morning anomalies, could be attributed to budtenders as they clock in or conclude their shifts.

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