Modifying or Changing Scheduled Emails
In the menu on the left, navigate to the section labeled "My Reports". In that section click on the Scheduled Emails dashboard. Here you will find a list of all the scheduled emails you have.
**NOTE** You will only be able to see scheduled emails that YOU have set up. You will not be able to see or access schedules that another user has created.
For each schedule you have here, you can click on the two horizontal lines in the upper left corner to modify, or add recipients to a scheduled email. You can also click on the "x" in the upper right corner to delete a scheduled email you may no longer need or want to reschedule in a different format.
After clicking the two horizontal lines, a window will pop up on the right side of the screen (see below). From here you are able to add/remove recipients or modify the format and frequency. Once you have updated everything click apply.