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Showing articles from Data tag

Data Export For Bridge

The data export feature allows you to easily export data based on date range, date granularity, store, and account rep(s). This provides you with the ability to export and manipulate the data in Excel or another spreadsheet application. We also offer the ability to export data from any dashboard as well. There…

How Do I Connect With My Vendors?

Do you want to reduce the number of phone calls from suppliers, to ask about their inventory? Here's how to let them check their levels remotely. What is VMI? Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) is very common in the inventory management world.  Costco, Walmart, and other big-box stores save hundreds of millions of doll…

Cross Category Wallet

When / How to use this dashboard Use this dashboard to make informed decisions about your product. Do consumers who buy one thing often buy another with it? This could influence the way you market your products or even your next product development decisions. Here we’re using the concept of a wallet t…

CBD Category Details

How and when to use this dashboard. Use this dashboard to learn about a specific CBD category in a particular region. Many of the visualizations described in this document are from California and the Edibles CBD category. *Please Note, some visualizations will observe the time range filter you set in the dashboar…

Insights - Best Practices for Real Time Data

Does the data change? Yes! At Headset, we use cutting edge real-time technology and point-of-sale integrations to allow us to access sales data as the sales are made. We combine these real-time integrations with equally real-time machine learning algorithms which allows us to forecast data every day in real-time. Un…

Who Owns My Data?

What does Headset do with your data and how does it affect ownership? What about data sharing? You do!  Ownership of your data in your point of sale system and the data itself always remains with you--not Headset and not your vendors. In brief, from our 'Terms of Service'... "...Customer retains all right, t…

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