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Showing articles from Bridge tag

Bridge: Suggested Connections via Quick Add

NEW!!! Connecting to dispensary partners is even easier with Suggested Connections via Quick Add in your Manage Accounts Dashboard. The Suggested Connections side panel displays a list of potential retail connections that carry your product that you aren’t yet connected to in Bridge. Stores that are all in for Bri…

Add/Manage Users - Bridge

In the Bridge tool, users can be managed from the settings page.  In order to add or remove users you must have: * Admin permission set - Can add or remove users for all store locations * User - Report/Dashboard access only, no user mangement 1. To begin - click on your initials in the lower left corner of th…

Retailer Overview

Retailer Overview About this dashboard The Retailer Overview dashboard in Bridge Signal is a quick way to review dispensaries in your state or immediate area. When you click into the Retailer Overview, you will be immediately shown a tile view of all dispensaries in the state you have selected in your filters …

Brand Opportunities

Brand Opportunities About this dashboard Bridge Signal is Headset’s menu data analysis tool. Some competitor products require manual scraping of menus online to gather information about what is happening in your immediate area or state, but Headset has an API connection with Leafly, allowing us to pull in the men…

Activity Feed

Activity Feed About this dashboard The Activity Feed in Bridge Signal is a great way to maintain your competitive edge. Activity feed could be utilized by Retail operators and Brands alike, to make sure you’re keeping pace with the competition. Once on Activity Feed, you’ll notice immediately a list of filteri…

Details Dashboard

Details Dashboard About this dashboard The Details Dashboard is set up to show and analyze sales at your connected Retailer accounts. The Details dashboard can be found in the Accounts section of your menu on the left. Once on Details, begin with your filters across the top, going from left to right. Headset’s…

Bridge Marketing - Holiday Bump Analysis

Demand Planning (Holiday Bump Analysis) What is it? The purpose of this dashboard is meant to examine short periods (7 days or less) with pronounced sales increases (i.e., 4/20, COVID-19 events, Green Wednesday, Dab Day, etc.). The dashboard provides Bridge users with the ability to examine periods of high growth s…

Bridge Marketing - Special Order Inventory

Bridge: Special Order Inventory Before running a campaign with discounts, consider reviewing the Special Order Inventory Dashboard to observe how the decrease in price affects the number of units you will sell at a given retailer. The Special Order Inventory Dashboard will suggest the increase in units sold to inc…

Bridge Marketing - Slow Moving Products

Bridge: Slow-Moving Products Trying to get a pulse check across your stores and see where profit is being left on the table? We created the Slow Moving Products Dashboard to confirm performance and review metrics at a glance to see the sell-through pace of products across all stores. The types of questions this Das…

Bridge Marketing - Demographics

Demographics This dashboard allows you to review who is shopping for your brand by giving you a better understanding of your customers, and helps you to better position and market your products. Some questions you can answer: * What percentage of my customers are male? * What percentage of my revenue comes …

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